Research Groups


BMLS to purchase high resolution mass spectrometer

The BMLS Institute is going to add a modern mass spectrometer to its technology platform. The respective application has been just approved by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The application led by Prof. Helge Bode and supported by Dr. Martin Vabulas and other seven principal investigators from the BMLS Institute and the CEF Macromolecular Complexes convinced the granting agency of the urgent need for a high resolution mass spectrometer to support their proteomic and system biology research projects. The new technology will allow the scientists to broaden and deepen the proteomic analysis, especially in regard to posttranscriptional protein modifications, such as protein phosphorylation or ubiquitylation.

The BMLS director and co-applicant Prof. Enrico Schleiff was especially glad to receive the good news from the DFG because the up-to-date mass spectrometry facility will complement the already existing cutting-edge analytical methods at the Institute and thus support the Institute's efforts to establish a diverse and powerful technology hub fostering interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaborations.


Dr. Martin Vabulas | Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences | Goethe-University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 15 | 60438 Frankfurt

Phone: +49 (0)69 798-42568